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Eemil's sports are made possible by partners.

OP Koitti-Pertunmaa
Forest owners Päijät-Häme
Hartola municipality
Rakennusliike Porvari oy
Machine shop Seppo Suomi Oy
Klima Therm Oy

Eemil's visibility in numbers

The background team

Manager - Jere Porvari

I am responsible for cooperation and sponsorship matters. Feel free to contact us regarding these!

Group 11 (2).png

The background team

Coach - Keijo Kylänpää

Inside the sports field, I am responsible for the javelin flying further. I plan the training program for Eemil.

Group 36 (1).png

The background team

Coach - Keijo Kylänpää

Inside the sports field, I am responsible for the javelin flying further. I plan the training program for Eemil.

Group 38 (2).png
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